Thursday, June 2, 2016

Spark Bird

I have a list below of memes I am joining for this week, and to save time I am doing one post for all. They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts. Special thanks to all the wonderful host and their memes, I hope you have some time to check them out.

Hello & happy month of June. I hope everyone is well. We are finally enjoying some nice weather.

For Teresa's Friday's Hunt: the letter "w", week's favorite and rough.

1. The Rose-breasted Grosbeak was my "Spark Bird" .  A spark bird is a bird that caught your eye and kindled your interest in birding. I hope you are not tired of seeing my Grosbeaks photos, I was just thrilled to see them here for such a long time this year. I have many photos of these beauties! One of my favorite photos!

For Tex's Good Fences, below I am sharing our neighbor's fence with our blooming white azalea.

2. "If you strive for the moon, maybe you will get over the fence." James Woods

3. I am sharing my simple pleasure of skywatching.  Watching the sky, does it make you feel big or tiny?

"Enjoy every sunset, look forward to every sunrise." unknown

4. My moon addiction continues with this Waxwing Crescent seen on May 8th.  The sky captured close to sunset.

For Teresa's Friday Hunt: my favorite photo is this Crescent Moon photo.

5. The evenings lately are filled with  frog sounds in my yard, they are pretty loud. Check out my video of the moon and you can listen to the music of the frogs.

To see more pretty skies, fences and fantastic photos from around the world please visit the memes below.  As always, thank you for visiting and for the nice comments. I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead.

Here is a list of linky parties for the last part of the week, I hope to see you there, whether it is just one party or all of them.

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences.
Thank you to Sylvia, Yogi and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.
Thank you to Nancy the host of Random 5 Friday
Thanks also to Teresa Friday's Hunt
Thanks to Tom for hosting The Barn Collective


  1. Another gorgeous series, Eileen, and I love the sounds in your video!

  2. Hello,

    Beautiful moon photos! I understand your addiction :) Lovely fence with azaleas too!

    Happy Thursday!

  3. a fine spark bird, for sure. :) love the azaleas, too. thanks, eileen.

  4. Well I am not surprised that gorgeous bird sparked your interest in birding. He is a beauty. I hope you are entering Friday's Hnt tomorrow as I always love seeing what other come up with. You usually add it into this post.

  5. Each image has its uniqueness, especially liked the moon one. Have a nice Thursday and start to the weekend!

  6. I so love your Rose-breasted Grosbeak, we haven't such birds in Italy, so I'm amazed more an more at what you share with us, my lovely friend, I heartily thank you !

    Hope your week is off to a good start I wish you most wonderful days to come, dearie, sending blessings of joy to you

    Xx Dany

  7. Your azalea is stunning. Sadly we don't have the right soil in our garden to grow them and never had a lot of luck with them in pots.
    Great capture of your Grosbeak sat on a moon!
    The sky is mesmorizing at any time of the day. Have a great weekend ahead :)

  8. Excelente trabalho com belas fotografias.
    Continuação de uma boa semana.

  9. Loved the video, Eileen-how relaxing listening to the frogs!
    And that azalea-wow! Have a good week

  10. Ha Ha Eileen the only skies I like to admire are your photos... other wise I prefer to be up in the skies flying off to a new location. Your spark bird photo is wonderful, love that term although of course I can also suggest the wonderful wren!!!
    Have a great week
    Wren x

  11. Hari OM
    always a delight to visit with you Eileen! My spark bird was the humble blackbird and it remains one of my favourite little tweeters! YAM xx

  12. Hello Eileen,and good wishes for a happy Thursday.
    I didn't know that a spark bird is a bird that caught your eye and kindled your interest in birding... I can see why the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a favourite, the colours are beautiful.

    Talking of beautiful, those azalea's are ...

    I like your other photo choices too, a lovely post.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  13. WOW! Lindo demais!
    Aplaudindo ave, flores e céus com a lua também! Ótimo dia! bjs, chica

  14. Very good pictures, Eileen. I love each and every one. Have a nice day.

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your spark bird and love of birding with us Eileen through your super shots!
    The sunset sky is just gorgeous but I was really blown away by the crescent moon shot! Fantastic shot and video!
    Enjoy your good weather!

  16. Great series of photos and video Eileen. The Rose-crested Grosbeak is a beautiful little bird. Happy day to you.

  17. don´t worry, at lest I like your Grosbeaks. :)

    Nice post. :)

  18. Wow! Another lovely post, Eileen!...
    I loved the cute little bird, specially... and the wonderful and calm sounds from the video...
    Have a happy month of June, you and yours!...
    All the best!

  19. Lovely pictures. Nice view with azalea.

  20. Wow, Grosbeak is so sweet!! I would be happy if I could find that bird in person!
    Beautiful photos,Eileen.

  21. you sure captured the night sounds perfectly... i can see why this bird was your spark bird.. so pretty. the sky makes me feel full of joy and at peace..

  22. awww....the little "spark bird!" That flash of red would be a welcome sight anywhere!

  23. Two of my favorite pastimes are represented here: bird watching and looking up at the sky. Good pictures all around.

  24. That is a fantastic photo of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I had them in my yard either last year or the year before and they are stunning to see...I hope they return! Have a great Thursday :)

  25. I love the moon, especially when it's looks like a slice of lemon.

  26. Wonderful post. Love the Grosbeak, too. Wish I could enjoy them here. We do see them, only rarely.

  27. i like that woods quote, it's a good one and great for todays fences!! and i must say, that is a beautiful azalea growing in front of that fence!!

    awesome moon capture, i listened to the video, music of a different kind!!!!

  28. and your grosbeak, i am green with envy!!!!

  29. So pretty, all of them. That bird is spectacular.

  30. Another great line up Eileen!

  31. That is a spectacular moon shot!

    "If you strive for the moon, maybe you will get over the fence." James Woods

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love that! Is that the actor James Woods?

    Staring at the sky makes me feel...cared for.

  32. Nice photo of the grosbeak bird!

  33. Beautiful photos! I just love the sounds of wildlife, we have a lot in the evenings around our pond and yard :-)
    Enjoy your day!


  34. Nice post. The Fence shot is really pretty with all those white flowers.
    Loved the shot of the Grosbeak, what a charming bird.
    Such a pretty sky and oh your moon shot was lovely.
    I enjoyed listenin to the video of frogs and heron sounds, what a nice way to end your day.

  35. You take the best shots of the moon!

  36. I love every shot but that moon one is just magnificent!! :)

  37. So beautiful photos. Thanks a lot for sharing :)

  38. Hello Eileen,
    What a great pictures. Amazing that wonderful bird on your first shot.
    Great to see him with the beautiful red colors. So special.
    And nice to hear the sounds by night in your yard. That must be sleep well with these live animal music...hihi..!!

    Kind regards,

  39. Lovely post and moon photos stunning..
    Amanda xx

  40. That plant makes a great show.


  41. All are wonderful, Eileen! Love your Grosbeak!

  42. Neat peek at fence with the stunning white Azalea. Love the Moon shot and the noisy video. We have Evening Grosbeak and Black headed Grosbeak but not the Rosy one. Send it out here. LOL

  43. Hello Eileen,
    I loved all the pictures, but the first and the moon are spectacular.
    I love it so much!
    The film of the moon and frogs music are so wonderful.
    I wish you a good week end.

  44. Hi Eileen, your series of photos are always charming. I love the bird and the brilliant coloring.
    Your moon shots are always amazing.
    Thanks for sharing the video.
    Happy June!

  45. Tiny. I feel absolutely insignificant when I spend time just being with the sky. It's a good feeling. The weight of the world is lifted and all that. Happy June!

  46. I understand your spark bird concept, Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a great one!

    For me, it was the birds that came to our first feeder in W.V., especially the White-breasted Nuthatch. Not visually so amazing, but so amusing!

  47. I'm really admiring those white flowers in bloom. Spring has sprung and summer had begun ;-)

  48. If this wasn't a great post already, the moon makes it

  49. Love that Spark bird Eileen. I've never seen one before.

  50. Another gorgeous moon shot, and I like the sky shot with the long contrail! Have a great weekend.

  51. Wonderful moon shots..I'm envious...I have only seen one Grosbeak..I guess he was lost..Nice photo series..Enjoy your evening..

  52. Oh how I love this post, even more than I love your posts every single time. Because I've never heard of "spark birds" but I know exactly and instantly what mine were! Thank you for this concept and for the memories. And the wonderful pictures. (And I wish I could see a rosebreasted grosbeak, but I think I've told you that already. It wouldn't be my spark bird obviously, but it sure would make me happy!!)

  53. Love everything about the second shot, and the quote that goes with it. Your moon shots are always "over the moon!" I'd never heard the term "spark bird." I think my spark was a Northern Flicker.

  54. Your video was great, frogs are rare around here nice to hear them.
    Lovely moon too.

  55. Those moon shots are gorgeous, Eileen. I love that Rose-breasted Grosbeak too. So pretty!

  56. Learning the term "spark bird" made me think which one would be mine, and I'd have to say in NY it was male cardinals, here in Colorado it is hummingbirds. I never saw hummingbirds in NYC. You moon shots are always wonderful and I enjoyed the sounds in the video!

  57. Wonderful shots! That grosbeak is so pretty.

  58. Beautiful crescent captured,enjoy your weekend with more beautiful shots.

  59. Oh, what beauty the bird is, with its red breast.

    I wish you happey weekend.

  60. Nice shots. I like them especially the crazy colored bird.

  61. Hi Eileen,
    these bird photos is gorgeous and your sunset and moon shot also.
    Have a great weekend, Eileen.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  62. Great shot of the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak - a welcome visitor I am sure.

  63. The The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is wonderful! Such an alert and sharp-eyed bird.

  64. What a nice and colorful post. Great to hear the frog and the heron while watching the moon.

  65. I can certainly understand how the rose breasted grosbeak was your spark bird!

  66. Wow! Great photos Eileen!
    Love to see the video and to hear the frog sounds in your yard!
    The moon is fantastic too!
    And the white flowers and the fence are gorgeous!

    Thanks for your always nice visit and comment on my blog.
    Wishing you and yours a happy weekend. :)

  67. Such great photos and I love the night sounds video! Thanks for sharing your photography talent with us.

  68. Beautiful shots, I love your crescent moon especially

  69. Very nice ! I like the sunset !

  70. I always love your photographs! The flowers, the moon, the birds! Every thing you set your eyes on, like always is awesome!!!
    Happy weekend!

  71. we've been having warmer weather too. last two nights though some bad storms passed through. love your grosbeak pic. it's a beautiful bird. those azaleas are gorgeous. hope all is well. have a great night~

  72. What a cute and striking little bird. He would be my Spark Bird too.

  73. This Rose-breasted Grosbeak is beautiful. What a great picture! I see very ordinary birds around here, the blue jay, the woodpecker, and robin, but when I see a red bird, I must take a picture of it. They fascinate me. :)



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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

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